GETTING STARTED: Already a member

This will be a quick start guide for current members of NCSCSW who need to get logged into the site:

Reset Your Password
If you're already a member, you've been entered into the system. However, to login, you'll need to reset your password.

To do so, either go directly to this link:


Go to the login page ( and click the "Lost Your Password?" link. 

Here are the steps:

Then, click the "Lost Your Password?" link:

Enter your email in the field.
(If it does not accept the email, please see an admin representative for help.)

You will receive an email. When you do, click on the link provided. 

You'll be directed to this page. Enter your new password and then confirm it.

This should take you to the login page.  If not, simply click a member login link at the top or bottom of the page and enter your email and new password.  

After Login
The system should log you in, but if not, click member login. 

After that, you can explore the member start page.  

You can start with the Quick Start Guide and Questions.

You can also explore the member contents, the provider directory, the community, and admin features. Pay special attention to the Upcoming Events, create your Provider Directory listing, and be sure to complete Your Profile

Any additional questions or issues?
Please contact us with any questions.